It can be very hard to deal with all these emotions and changes in our lives. I often think that I can't handle any more than I already have on my plate. After all, God said he would not put more on us than we could bear...right? I think God has seriously overestimated me. Friday night I found out that I'm pregnant. Evidently you can get pregnant on "The Pill". Fear gripped my heart and I had a serious breakdown. God, what are you doing to me? Can I handle this? It was an overwhelming feeling of fear and inadequacy. Afterwards, I came to peace with it. A baby is always a miracle and I know God will give us the strength to get through this also. We are now looking forward to a healthy baby sometime this summer.
We have been so blessed by so many people. So many have brought us meals and toys for the boys. I hope that one day I can repay the kindness we have received from so many. Thank you so much to our Pastor and Sis. Mitchell for their constant prayers and our church who prays continually for Luke's healing. We are all going to witness a miracle. Thank you to Moby and Rengas for your selfless giving of your time. Moby is our angel. Thank you Jesus for being so faithful. You are EVERYTHING to us!
Moby and Lukey at the hospital.
Moby giving Levi his breathing treatments.
Rengas visits for the weekend!